Better Embroidery starts with the Digitizing

Raising Embroidery back to an Art

Digitizing Done Correctly
Auto punch vs. Awesome Embroidery

Embroidery and logo digitizing used to be an art form: and it still should be.

Cherie4Art exists on the premise that digital embroidery and logos are still an art form. We offer hand plotted digitizing to shops all over the country who can’t afford a full-time in house digital artist.

Unfortunately, too many “Digitizers” are simply plugging a file in and pressing stitch, or worse, claiming that cleaning a raster file is truly digitizing. The difference shows every time, as in the examples above which we were asked to fix for a local shop.

As a digital embroider, trained artist, and embroidery production manager for nearly twenty years; I have seen more and more “punched” embroidery and digital art flood the market. You’ll know it when you see it; the shirt that has stitches loose, loopy, and crooked: the image that doesn’t look quite right. The details are blurred and wrong.

sad digitizing repaired by cherie4art

While punching a file through a converter is inexpensive, it produces horrible results when compared to the skill of an artist, a skill which no computer program can match, and we believe that quality can be maintained while still offering an awesome value.

I guarantee that we will NEVER auto digitize your passion.


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